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Trade Marketing Expert
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Trade Marketing Expert
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#24123 din 24123 de Companii din Servicii
Membru Gratuit din 2020
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Trade Marketing Expert Trade Marketing Expert 0735564698 B-dul Pipera, Nr. 1/Vii, Nord City Tower, Voluntari, Ilfov
Produse si servicii


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Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2020!
MPC’s ambition is to become the best support agency for trade and shopper marketing companies in Romania, 3 years from now. MPC is the only agency dedicated exclusively to sales and marketing activities designed to be implemented at the point of sale. We deliver our premises to our customers and partners, no matter how big the challenge is. Ready to give 100% to ensure our projects and compaigns are successful.

Here, at MPC, we undestood the most valuable part of a company is ita s brand. The higher a company gets, the most difficult it becomes to ensure coherence in each and every meet with the customer. AN efficeint merchandising process will incrase brand exposure, therefore, ita s sales will also go up. Marketing is extremely important to the protection and increase of market share.

Recent sudies prove that 20% of the purchase decision is logical and based on facts and 80% is dictated by emotions.

This points to the importance of an attractive and well executed merchandising program.
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